Characteristics of Abnormalities in the Bones & How to Handle them. (Copy)
Abnormalities in the bones can cause various health problems, such as pain, weakness, deformity, and impaired mobility. Some bone disorders can be caused by age, lifestyle, and genetic factors.
It is very important to have regular check-ups and maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent bone disorders. Here are some abnormalities in the bones that we have summarized for you:
Osteoporosis, is a bone condition that makes bones more fragile and prone to fracture. Signs and symptoms of osteoporosis include: bone pain, slowed growth in height, stooped posture. The causative factors are generally elderly women who have a family history of osteoporosis, smoke, consume alcohol, lack of Vitamin D and calcium and have medical conditions such as hyperactive thyroid and cancer.
Rickets, is a medical condition that causes bones to become weak and prone to fracture due to a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphorus. Rickets features and symptoms include: slowed growth in height, bony deformities (bone deformities), and lack of bone strength. The causative factors such as malnutrition, rarely exposed to sunlight.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, is a genetic disease that causes weak and brittle bones. Features and symptoms include: bones that break easily, bone deformities, and stunted growth in height. Usually the causes of osteogenesis imperfecta are related to gene mutations and a family history of osteogenesis imperfecta.
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that is most often diagnosed in adolescence. Severe scoliosis can reduce the amount of space in the chest, making it difficult for the lungs to work properly and it can result in paralysis. The characteristics are as follows:
Uneven shoulders
One shoulder blade that appears to be more prominent than the other
Uneven waist
One hip is higher than the other
One side of the rib protrudes forward
A bulge on one side of the back when bending forward
Kyphosis is defined as a curvature of the spine measuring 50 degrees or more. The spine can normally curve from 20 to 45 degrees in the upper back area. Kyphosis can be congenital (present at birth) or due to the condition osteogenesis imperfecta, or a brittle bone disease that causes bones to break easily. The characteristics of kyphosis in general are:
Difference in shoulder height,
The head is more bent forward
Differences in the position of the shoulder blades, and
The upper back looks higher than it should.
Lordosis adalah kondisi tulang belakang yang memiliki kurvatura yang terlalu dalam. Hal ini biasanya terjadi pada bagian bawah tulang belakang (lumbal). Jika anda sering merasakan nyeri di punggung bawah, kelemahan pada otot punggung dan postur tubuh yang tidak seimbang, biasanya lebih condong kedepan maka anda wajib waspada terkena lordosis.
Causes of abnormalities in the bones.
In the Very Well Health article, which has been verified by doctor Stuart Hershman, Orthopedic Surgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital, several factors cause bone abnormalities as follows:
Genetics, many bone conditions are linked to family history and can be passed from generation to generation in a family.
Age. Bone health often declines with age. Aging also initiates a pattern of changes in muscles and joints.
Gender, women have a higher risk of developing arthritis, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. This is because a woman's unique joint function and movement, including having wider hips, more flexible joints, and childbirth all contribute to the risk of decreased bone function later in life.
Ethnicity. There are differences in bone disease that are influenced by an ethnicity, such as body size and composition. Paget's disease of bone, for example, which usually affects Americans and Europeans and is rarely found in Asians and Africans.
Bacteria & Infections, common bacteria associated with bone infections are Staphylococcus bacteria. Bacterial infections of the bones or bone marrow can be very dangerous, especially if left untreated.
Injuries, when you have an injury related to the bone, must be treated immediately so that it doesn't get worse and changes your body posture.
Inflammatory arthritis, bone loss can occur through local erosion of bone in and around inflamed joints.
Diabetes & Hormonal Diseases, diabetes and other hormonal disorders can cause inflammation which eventually leads to osteoarthritis. Because diabetics, especially type 1 diabetics, tend to have lower bone quality.
Environmental Factors, if you have a work environment that often comes into contact with certain chemicals that can affect bone health, such as exposure to heavy metals, mold toxins, asbestos, chlorine, environmental pollutants, nicotine, and exposure to chemicals at work.
Lifestyle, unhealthy eating patterns, rarely move, overweight, smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages and use of several types of drugs.
If you experience one of the bone abnormalities above, immediately consult an orthopedic doctor, so that you can immediately get the appropriate treatment. The methods commonly used by orthopedic doctors in treating bone problems.
Medication (taking drugs)
Physical Therapy
Steroid Injection Therapy
Improving Diet (consuming foods high in calcium and vitamins)
Change your lifestyle (move a lot, stop smoking and stop consuming alcoholic beverages)
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